Understanding human-environment interrelationships under constrained land-use decisions with a spatially explicit agent-based model


Application of Agent-Based Modeling in Human-Environment Interactions

ABM-CALM: Agent-Based Model for Cropland Abandonment and Labor Migration

Overview of ABM-CALM.
Overview of ABM-CALM.

This study applies ABM-CALM to explore human-environment interrelationships under constrainted land-use decisions.

The study site encompasses the entire township within Tianma National Nature Reserve (Anhui, China). Two forest conservation/restoration programs exist:

  • Congversion of Cropland to Forest (CCFP)
  • Ecological Welfare Forest Program (EWFP)

The model seeks to understand social-ecological dynamics due to feedback loops occuring between cropland abandonment and labor migration, under the backgroun of the restraction of the abandonment of the “basic” land (Chen et al., 2019).

The emerging hotspots of risks of cropland abandonment is sensitive to the relaxation of the abandonment restriction, especially under the scenario where is the relaxation level is relatively low. Such emergence can be informative for adjusting policy making that aim to reconcile agricultural preservation and forest restoration.

Hotspots of risks of cropland abandonment under relaxation of abandonment restriction.
Hotspots of risks of cropland abandonment under relaxation of abandonment restriction.

See mode details on the project: Modeling coupled human and natural systems with agent-based simulations

Author: Qi Zhang
Updated: December 2022

Qi Zhang
Qi Zhang
Research Assistant Professor

Human-Environment Geographer

Srikanta Sannigrahi
Srikanta Sannigrahi
Assistant Professor


Rui Zhang
Rui Zhang
Doctoral Candidate


Bo Xiong
Bo Xiong
Doctoral Candidate
Shiqi Tao
Shiqi Tao
Doctoral Student


Richard Bilsborrow
Richard Bilsborrow
Research Professor

Economist, demographer, & geographer

Conghe Song
Conghe Song

